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Saturday, February 13, 2010

HRM 624 Assignment Solution

Question # 1
What is the importance of cooperation in the workplace environment with the relevance of conflict management?

We can define the cooperation in the work place as

“Cooperation is our aim in our lives, to help others achieve things not only for peace but for the advancement of human society. In order for it to work you must devote a large part of yourself - without greed and jealousy - to fulfilling work which aims to help the world.”

Importance of cooperation in the work place

To achieve something, we need to cooperate so that we achieve what we are trying to do. If we don't talk to each other and you want to tell someone something, it doesn’t get done, does it? If people do what they say they will do then it gets done.

In the workplace, you are likely to find two forms of conflict. The first is conflict about decisions, ideas, directions and actions. The second form, "personalized conflict" is often called a personality conflict.

Workplace conflict is commonplace, but managers who can incorporate certain types of conflict management strategies that work will soon be able to achieve their goals and minimize disruptions. Managers will successfully eliminate conflicts and turn the situation into a problem-solving opportunity that will ultimately benefit the entire office. Collaboration is one of the conflict management strategies, this conflict management strategy is considered one of the most successful, but it needs the right environment to work.

Cooperation leads to productivity, "team morale", and a generally good working atmosphere. Cooperation is a necessity for resolving a conflict/may build an environment of peace. Cooperation comes firstly from within us. In order for it to work you must devote a large part of yourself - without greed and jealousy - to fulfilling work which aims to help the others. To achieve something if you are part of a team, of any kind we need to cooperate so that we achieve what we are trying to do.

Question # 2
What do you think is there any danger to employees in a move to increase
Work place cooperation?

Yes I think there are different dangers for the employees in a move to increase work place cooperation

There are following dangers that can be face to a employee in a work place cooperation

It is a sad fact that, increasingly, employees face hostility from clients or the general public, often this can become a dangerous situation, especially if the situation or circumstance is Miss-interpreted by either party.

Such situations can very quickly escalate with either party exposed to an act of violence and the subsequent of legal implications is the thing that is must be acted on such.

These occurrences very often occur as part of the job role or whilst executing the job itself. As a consequence the employer, under the Health & Safety Act, must make provision for staff training to eliminate or reduce the possibility of work related violence

The Heath and Safety at Work Act imposes the requirement that the workplace must be safe: Employers have a legal duty to ensure the work place and environment is safe.

Employee and employer must recognize that the work role can sometimes be dangerous.

The Health and Safety Executive defines work related violence as anis assault or threat which occurs while the victim is/was working and was perpetrated by a member of the public.

This Code is intended to focus the Board and each Director on areas of ethical risk, to provide guidance to Directors to help them recognize and deal with ethical issues, to provide mechanisms to report unethical conduct, and to help to foster a culture of honesty and accountability. Here it has some steps as conflict of interest, corporate opportunities, confidentiality, fair of dealing, protection and proper use of corporation assets, compliance with law, rules and regulations

Question No 3
in your opinion what type of steps the management of the organizations might be
Taken to protect the interests of workers while facilitating an environment of

By having a solid program in place, it will help to protect you and your organization. Below are some steps you can take to develop and implement an exemplary disciplinary action program.

Although some states can terminate an employee “at will,” (with or without a reason), it is still important to have clear and concise disciplinary policies and procedures in place.

Ensure that upon hire, new employees read all of the organization’s policies and procedures (regular and personnel). To verify this, have them sign and date a form stating that they read and understand all policies and procedures.

Your procedures should contain verbal and written warnings to the employee. When an employee violates a policy or procedure, talk to him first to ensure he is aware of and understands the violation

If the employee violates the policy or procedure again, issue a written warning. As with the verbal warning, documentation should include what the violation was, the date it was committed, and what was discussed to re
Red Zone organizations are made up of individuals who are short on “Green Zone” qualities such as trust, optimism, and goodwill. When a project fizzles or fails in a Red Zone workplace, people turn to shame and blame—focusing not on what went wrong, but on who did wrong.

A Red Zone organization isn’t a fun place to work. People aren’t excited to be there. Most everyone favors victory over solutions. And they waste more time and energy on self-preservation than they spend on bottom-line priorities.

To stand a chance of keeping their stars, Red Zone organizations often dangle carrots such as bigger-and-better pay, perks, or bennies. Still, productivity and morale suffer because Red Zone attitudes fog the corporate culture.

A Green Zone environment, in contrast, is a fun place to work. Employees work together to pursue a shared vision. They value collaboration and get the job done with a strong sense of teamwork and excellence.

Sure, Green Zone qualities can’t save a company that makes lousy products or offers crummy customer service. Yet, studies show when all else is equal, Green Zone organizations enjoy long-term profitability and growth, while their Red Zone counterparts suffer in all areas. Some companies even

So can Red Zone organizations move into the Green Zone? And can employees at all levels learn to collaborate? Absolutely!. Collaboration isn’t magic. It’s a mind-set and a skill-set—both of which can be learned—that can make a big difference to a company’s bottom line.

I don’t think that corporation can be dangerous to employ to increase workplace cooperation. Cooperation at work place creates a .Responsive and pleasant environment for the employees which lead to enhanced Performance and decreased conflicts at the work place


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